Nomenclature: wfo-0001381153

Nigritella nigra var. gallica (E.Breiner & R.Breiner) Wenker & S.Wenker Jahresber. Naturwiss. Vereins Wuppertal 60: 200 (2007)

Nomenclatural References

  • person : Dieter Wenker Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'Wenker' in the authors string.
  • person : Eva Breiner Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'E.Breiner' in the authors string.
  • person : Robert Breiner (1932-2002) Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'R.Breiner' in the authors string.
  • person : Sybille Wenker Based on occurrence of standard abbreviation 'S.Wenker' in the authors string.
  • database : IPNI record: 60458999-2

Taxonomy: Synonym in 2021-12

Occurs in: 2021-12 : 2022-06 : 2022-12 : 2023-06 : 2023-12 : 2024-06 : 9999-01

Accepted name is: Gymnadenia austriaca var. gallica (E.Breiner & R.Breiner) P.Delforge
