Nomenclature: wfo-0000653179

Aven Nelson (1859-1952)

Dodonaea viscosa subsp. arizonica (A.Nelson) A.E.Murray Kalmia 13: 5. 1983

Nomenclatural References

Taxonomy: Accepted in 2023-12 classification

Occurs in: 2018-07 : 2019-03 : 2019-05 : 2021-12 : 2022-06 : 2022-12 : 2023-06 : 2023-12 : 2024-06 : 9999-01

Placement: Code > Plantae Haeckel > Pteridobiotina Britton & Brown > Angiosperms > Sapindales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl > Sapindaceae Juss. > Dodonaeoideae Burnett > Dodonaea Mill. > Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. > Dodonaea viscosa subsp. arizonica (A.Nelson) A.E.Murray



Countries (ISO): Afghanistan [AF] (1); Angola [AO] (1); Argentina [AR] (2); Australia [AU] (7); Bahamas (the) [BS] (1); Bangladesh [BD] (1); Belize [BZ] (1); Benin [BJ] (1); Bermuda [BM] (1); Bolivia (Plurinational State of) [BO] (1); Botswana [BW] (1); Brazil [BR] (5); British Indian Ocean Territory (the) [IO] (1); Burundi [BI] (1); Cabo Verde [CV] (1); Cameroon [CM] (1); Cayman Islands (the) [KY] (1); Central African Republic (the) [CF] (1); Chile [CL] (2); China [CN] (2); Christmas Island [CX] (1); Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the) [CC] (1); Colombia [CO] (1); Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) [CD] (1); Congo (the) [CG] (1); Cook Islands (the) [CK] (1); Costa Rica [CR] (1); Côte d'Ivoire [CI] (1); Cuba [CU] (1); Djibouti [DJ] (1); Dominican Republic (the) [DO] (1); Ecuador [EC] (2); El Salvador [SV] (1); Eritrea [ER] (1); Eswatini [SZ] (1); Ethiopia [ET] (1); Fiji [FJ] (1); French Guiana [GF] (1); French Polynesia [PF] (4); Gabon [GA] (1); Gambia (the) [GM] (1); Ghana [GH] (1); Guatemala [GT] (1); Guinea [GN] (1); Guinea-Bissau [GW] (1); Guyana [GY] (1); Honduras [HN] (1); India [IN] (5); Indonesia [ID] (4); Iran (Islamic Republic of) [IR] (1); Iraq [IQ] (1); Jamaica [JM] (1); Japan [JP] (3); Kenya [KE] (1); Kiribati [KI] (1); Liberia [LR] (1); Madagascar [MG] (1); Malawi [MW] (1); Maldives [MV] (1); Marshall Islands (the) [MH] (1); Mauritius [MU] (2); Mexico [MX] (7); Mozambique [MZ] (1); Myanmar [MM] (1); Nauru [NR] (1); Nepal [NP] (1); New Caledonia [NC] (1); New Zealand [NZ] (3); Nicaragua [NI] (1); Nigeria [NG] (1); Niue [NU] (1); Oman [OM] (1); Pakistan [PK] (1); Panama [PA] (1); Papua New Guinea [PG] (1); Peru [PE] (1); Philippines (the) [PH] (1); Portugal [PT] (1); Puerto Rico [PR] (1); Réunion [RE] (1); Rwanda [RW] (1); Saudi Arabia [SA] (1); Senegal [SN] (1); Seychelles [SC] (2); Sierra Leone [SL] (1); Somalia [SO] (1); South Africa [ZA] (3); Sri Lanka [LK] (1); Sudan (the) [SD] (1); Suriname [SR] (1); Taiwan (Province of China) [TW] (1); Tanzania, the United Republic of [TZ] (1); Thailand [TH] (1); Togo [TG] (1); Tonga [TO] (1); Trinidad and Tobago [TT] (1); Turks and Caicos Islands (the) [TC] (1); Uganda [UG] (1); United States of America (the) [US] (3); Uruguay [UY] (1); Vanuatu [VU] (1); Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) [VE] (1); Viet Nam [VN] (1); Wallis and Futuna [WF] (1); Yemen [YE] (2); Zambia [ZM] (1); Zimbabwe [ZW] (1).

Life Form: Shrub (1).

IUCN Threat Status: Least Concern (1).

Taxonomic References